Ulan Water Pty Ltd commenced supplying and delivering potable water to our local community 15 years ago. While that role continues today on a domestic level, we also deliver to mining sites including Moolarben, Ulan Coal and Wilpinjong on a non-domestic basis. With the expansion of Glencore’s Ulan Coal facilities, we provided the mining facility with specific earthworks for the new MF/RO plant infrastructure. We also offer other services including construction of new pads and hardstand areas, road maintenance and repairs, pipeline works and inspections and weed spraying.
Ulan Water Pty Ltd has high-quality drinking water storage facilities. We provide services for the supply and delivery of potable water and dust suppression.
We provide services for mining sites, which include road construction (grader, roller and water cartage), drainage work (excavator and tipper), pipeline construction and more.
We provide transportation and supply of products (general fill, rocks, road base) for civil works. Our service includes civil earthworks such as excavation, grading, skid steer and rolling.
Our ground maintenance services include slashing, mowing, whipper snipping, trimming of trees, weed spraying, pressure cleaning, rubbish removal and general site cleanups.
Ulan Water Pty Ltd is committed towards the protection of our workers and the safety of our work sites. We have established a Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy. A Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) has been developed and implemented to support the WHS Policy claim. Risk assessments have been carried out for various events at our business to minimise hazards and safeguard our workers.