We deliver quality water in food grade stainless steel tanks for your safety.
Our core business is carting and supplying drinking water to the residential community and commercially to mine sites.
Ulan Water Pty Ltd has water cartage capabilities from 15,000 litres up to 30,000 litres.
Operating for over 15 years, providing civil construction, excavation and mining services with a fleet of mining-approved vehicles and heavy equipment ready to go.
Offering wet or dry hire on earthmoving equipment such as Bob Cats, big and small excavators, rollers and graders.
Ulan Water is proud of our local Central West community, providing financial sponsorship to various sporting clubs and historic organisations.
During the time of the recent drought, Ulan Water Pty Ltd worked with drought relief organisations donating time and resources to supply water for our affected farmers.
Ulan Water Pty Ltd is a locally owned and operated business servicing Central Western NSW including Mudgee, Gulgong, Kandos, Merriwa, Cassilis, Dunedoo, Dubbo, Wellington and beyond.
Delivering quality water in food grade stainless steel tanks for your safety with capalbility of carting 15,000 to 30,000 litres.
Other services include, dust suppression, mine specified water trucks, mobile plant and equipment, labour hire, stock water, water carting, dry hire of machines and operators, minor civil works, road haulage, all types of ground maintenance such as tree removal, mowing and whipper snipping.
Our local workforce is trained and assessed against the national competency standards to provide our customers with a quality service.